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Monday, May 14, 2012

10 Applications for Smartphone Browser Nor Tablet

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    10 Applications for Smartphone Browser Nor Tablet

    Dolphin Logo Big
    At the time the phone default browser can not be run in accordance with our wishes. Many things we can do without throwing your cell phone. Use third-party browsers. Despite having much in common, these browsers has a characteristic that can be used for internet browsing via mobile phones with more comfort.
    1. Opera Mini & Opera Mobile


    Who is not familiar with this one browser. Opera Mini is still the main choice users of mobile devices (mobile devices) when thinking of adding an alternative browser applications besides the default browser. At the launch of the latest version, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile 6 11, last March alone, there were two applications have been used on more than 3000 kinds of devices by 100 million users worldwide.

    The main reason many users choose Opera Mini Opera due to the compression technology that can reduce the amount of data up to 90% without compromising the user's Internet experience. This will not only have an effect on the amount of money should be spent as well make the user feel a faster Internet experience.

    Differences between Opera Mini and Opera Mobile is Opera Mini offers a compression technology that actually qualified as Opera Mobile is Opera browser for mobile devices so that the browser offers an internet experience like using a PC equipped with features such as support for HTML5 ciamik.
    Developer : Opera Software ASA
    Download :

    2. Dolphin Browser™ HD & Mini
    Dolphin Logo Big
    The concept of a browser that this is how to change the way you surf in cyberspace. If previously the harusmenyesuaikan penggunalah themselves with the application, Dolphin attempted to reverse the condition. Users can easily go to a site simply by drawing a shape on screen with your fingertips. For example, write the letter P on the screen to go to the site

    Dolphin Browser also features add-ons so you can add add-ons to this browser as needed. Often forgotten password? Add add-on "Password Manager" or download the add-on "Shiny Shake" to give a new look at the Dolphin your browser. Currently available in more than 50 types of add-on and the numbers will continue to grow. So far recorded more than 8 million downloads for Dolphin Browser is available in 16 different languages​​.

    Developer : MoboTap
    Download :

    3. Skyfire Web Browser


    Skyfire is available for devices with Android and IOS operating system. This application is trying to close the loopholes that are owned by the default browser, especially Safari's famous IOS does not support Flash player. Indeed Skyfire web browser application for IOS to translate berormat Flash video into a format more friendly with IOS using its cloud computing platform.

    In addition to the features of flash player, web browser Skyfire also features a "User Agent Switching" which lets you specify what kind of opened web pages, whether for mobile devices (Android and IOS) or a desktop browser. Pilihandesktop dalammengakses memberikanAnda more flexibility, and sites may tidakterlihat padasitus memungkinkanpenemuankonten videoyang mobile.

    Features of "Facebook quick view" allows you access to a news feed, profile, friends list, inbox, events and places with only one touch. Similarly, the Twitter QuickView.

    Developer : Skyfire
    Download :

    4. Firefox Mobile


    Make a hobby of the Internet, must have known that one familiar with this software. Of course, since this application was already so popular on the desktop version. And mobile technology lovers waiting for the present mobile version for Firefox to an end not long after this, Mozilla Corporation launched the application formerly known as codename Fennec.

    Mozilla corp. seemed to be trying to bring as many features into the desktop version of this application. You can dress the look of Firefox with a theme called "Persona", displaying web pages in fullscreen, synchronizing data with existing mobile Firefox on the computer, to add the add-ons are also a desktop version of Firefox excellence.

    The browser also features a download manager that allows users to download files on using mobile phones as well as the desktop. Downloads will take place in the background so belakangh browsing activity is not disrupted, even if the users to download multiple files at the same time. Plus, download manager allows you to stop, pause and resume the download whenever you want.
    Firefox 1

    Developer : Mozilla Corporation
    Download :

    5. UC Browser


    UC Browser can run on more than 3000 models of mobile phones in the 200 brand perfectly. Additionally in March 2011, application is claimed to have served more than 150 countries and have more than 700 million downloads and every month, 200 million users visited the 60 billion web pages through the UC Browser, which makes it ranked No.. 1 in the world.

    Equally with other browsers that are on the list, UC Browser also comes with several features that membuatperbaikan andalandiantaranya Pre Load kecepatanbrowsing you better, so the time required when opening a web page visited before becoming shorter.

    Other features such as download manager, Multi-tabs, Bookmark, and Save and Share This application is also provided. And the most fun, the application is also available in Indonesian.
    UC Browser

    Developer : UC Mobile Ltd. (UC)
    Download :

    6. Bolt Browser

    Bolt is a browser that can be installed over the air and menawarkanpengalaman browsing on all types of phones, ranging from smartphones to low-end phones. Bolt allows PC-style internet functionality on mobile devices. Bolt reportedly was the only class browser-based platform built on WebKit. Web Kit is a layout engine which is also used to make the Safari (iphone), Chrome (Android) and many other smartphone browser.

    Developers also claim that Bolt is the only J2ME browser that can play streaming flash videos from sites like Youtube atauHTML5, Facebook, MTV. The browser is also integrated with Facebook and Twitter aplikasimedia sosialseperti. A Gallery Widgets are also available for other popular websites.
    Bolt 1

    Developer : Bitstream Inc.
    Download :

    7. uZard


    uZard adalahmobile browser that offers nearly the same thing with all browsers in the list, which allows users to get the experience of surfing the web the same as when using a PC.

    uZard showed rapid performance not only on jaringa n3G but also on the 2G and 2.5G. While the device has access to the network, users can get the experience of surfing the web and multimedia content just as they did with the PC.

    Unfortunately, when compared to other browsers, the application is considered minimal features that could make it eligible to choose.

    Developer : Bitstream Inc.
    Download :

    8. xScope Browser - Web & File

    X Cope

    Browsers that this is the first one to support multitouch feature on the Android market (23/11/2009). xScope google bookmarks import feature that allows users to access favorite sites are never stored on the user's Google account.

    This application is also integrated with the application file explorer, which allows you to perform file management as well as stored apada phone storage memory.
    X Cope 1

    Developer : x-Labs (xScope Mobile)
    Download :

    9. 360 Web Browser

    360 Web

    Attracted the most attention of this browser is intefacenya design innovative and exciting. This application provides a sort of virtual buttons that blend in a circular form, called ARC 360. The buttons are available, each representing a feature carried by the web browser 360.

    This application also has the ability to synchronize with the desktop version of Firefox, so that any data you like tabs, Bookmarks and history are stored in Firefox can be accessed using this application.

    In addition you can also connect the Firefox web browser with Dropbox 360 to ease the backup of your data.

    To make the different look of this browser, users can even define your own theme to change the overall look of this application, ranging from drawing, font color to the style of free choice tab.Terdapat 6 and 1 paid version.

    Developer : Digital Poke
    Download :

    10. Puffin Web Browser


    Like Skyfire, a browser is able to make IOS users enjoy Flash content-laden site, unfortunately not for a lot of flash games found on Facebook for example.

    There is nothing special about Puffin browser display interface, even at first glance seems like Opera Mini interface owned. Puffin web browser available for the Android platform and the IOS, and each is priced at $ 0.99 seharaga.

    Developer : CloudMosa, Inc.
    Download :

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