A typical "ringxiety" or "fauxcellarm" has been noticed among the Cell phone users. They are feeling vibration even though their phones are not ringing. Many mobile lovers and BlackBerry users experiencing the vibration although not wearing the Cell phone. Though the phone located in your hips, the vibration is assumed to come from your head bone.
Jonathan Zaback, a manager at the public relations company Burson-Marsteller, experiences it first. According to him, "While they were looking at it, I felt this vibration on my side. I reached down to grab it and realized there was no BlackBerry there."
Another person, Dawn Mena, an independent technology consultant based in Thousands oaks, California, said that "Even when I don't have the BlackBerry physically on my person, I do find myself adjusting my posture when I sit to accommodate it, I also laugh at myself as I reach to unclip it (I swear it's there) and find out I don't even have it on."

Phantom vibrations are a point of pride for certain block. It is so much irritating for themselves. Jeff Posner, president and owner of e-ventsreg.com in New Jersey, stopped to wear the phone in his belt for regular false ringing. To get rid of that, he started to take it in his chest pocket. But there it dials the same number automatically.So there is real trouble for the people. Some one define it as, "Aftershock".
Some one also find a positive shine in this fact. It will influences the wireless device.
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