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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Update files in .war and .ear directly

Update files in .war and .ear directly - technology is getting more advanced every day .. if you want to know the progress that happened please visit this blog Technology News because it will always update the latest information, now we will discuss first about Update files in .war and .ear directly hopefully this information can answer the questions you submit to google, ok please see:

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    Update files in .war and .ear directly

    I have seen many applications (.war and .ear) that have their property files or resource bundles stored within the .war or .ear files.

    When the time comes for deploying them into production you usually have to unzip the entire war/ear file, modify the property files or resource bundle file and zip the whole thing back up again. Sometimes, some lazy developers just want to sneak in a .class file too :)
    Trust me, this can be a pain.

    This is where a utility (open source, of course) called 7-zip ( comes in handy. It allows you to do all of the above, plus provides the best compression in this industry, does almost any compression format on the planet and the best-est of all, its free and open source.

    Use it. Trust me, its great.

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